Summer 2017 Research Meeting


Introduction: The MSDG is one of the most active Interest Groups of the Royal Society of Chemistry and organises up to three Research Meetings every year; one in the summer, one just before Christmas, and a dedicated Students Meeting.


These meetings are informative and inspiring events which give opportunity to both established researchers, and up-and-coming younger researchers, to disseminate and discuss their findings in a friendly and constructive environment.


The MSDG is particularly keen to promote the work and activities of younger researchers. To this end participation of students and post-doctoral workers at this meeting is most welcome.


This year’s Summer Research Meeting will take place at the University of Nottingham, the home of world-class research and technical developments in Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids.


For this year’s meeting, we are very privileged to have Dr Fred Starr FIMMM, MIMechE, CEng present the after-dinner speech which is entitled The Discovery of Black Snow and Other Adventure in the World of Molten Slag, Some Recollection from a Jack-of-All Trades. Dr Starr is renowned for his “Recollections” which are published in “Materials World”, the house magazine of the Institute of Materials. Fred has over fifty years’ experience in metallurgy, oil and gas industry, clean energy and CO2 capture technologies and has recently been awarded a Gold Medal by the Institute of Materials for a piece entitled “Lies, Damned Lies, and Nuclear Power”.


As part of the meeting there will be a tour of the Industrial Museum in Nottingham where the rich innovative, industrial culture of the English Midlands can be appreciated.



MSDG Summer 2017 Research Meeting Programme



Summer Research Meeting 2017 Venue: This year's Meeting will take place at the University of Nottingham on the 4th to 6th of July. Please be aware the MSDG cannot provide accommodation for this meeting but on-campus rooms are available at Willoughby Hall or at local hotels convenient to the campus.



Theme: As usual, the Meeting accepts papers (for both poster (A1 or A0)) and oral presentations (up to 30 minutes including 5 minutes discussion) in all areas of the science and technology of ionic liquids and molten salts.


Registration: If you are interested in attending the meeting, either as an Author or as a delegate, please fill out and submit the electronic form found here. In order to provide the venue with final numbers, please could delegates register by 16:00 Friday 23rd June 2017.


Abstract submission: Abstracts (maximum 1 A4 page) should be prepared using the MS Word template which can be downloaded from here. Please do not adjust the margins! Ideally, the abstract should include at least one Figure that highlights the key results of the work. Abstracts should be submitted in WORD format (not as pdf) electronically to by 16:00 Friday 23rd June 2017.
Please use a file name that identifies the Author e.g. JBloggs MSDG.docx.


Please also note that all presentations will be via a USB enabled laptop pc and data projector. (The MSDG committee apologises for not being able to help with other types of electronic presentation materials.)


Fees payment: MSDG has introduced PayPay as a convenient and secure way to pay fees – please use this method if possible.


[You can access PayPal from here]


The fees for the meeting are as follows;


Regular Registration, £250


Reduced rate, (students/retired etc.) £220


*Bursaries are available upon application to the Committee for students and retired members.


If you wish to apply for a bursary please contact Dr Greg Doughty Decisions on awards will be made by the MSDG Committee one week prior the meeting.


**Commercial presentations relevant to molten salts and ionic liquids research and industry are welcome at the MSDG Meetings. These are mostly posters, brochures, electronic displays (e.g. on a computer screen) with information on company profiles, products and recruitment information. Please contact Dr Greg Doughty


For those not using PayPal, it is possible to pay the registration fee by cash or cheque (made payable to Molten Salt Discussion Group) at the meeting.